Kategorie: Articles (English)

Autor: Anne Schadde | Veröffentlicht am: | Kategorie:

What is a paradigm?

Jörg Wichmann writes in his article "Beyond the Evidence Trap": "A paradigm is a set of ideological principles and views on which a conception of the world or a science is based. Paradigms have evolved historically and are changing.“ („Evidence of Homoeopathy“, Page 98, Spectrum of Homoeopathy, Narayana-Verlag, No. 3/2019)

An example of this is a paradigm that has long been valid: ...

Autor: Anne Schadde | Veröffentlicht am: | Kategorie:

In his lectures Kent mentions that the very substance which threatens mankind in a current generation can also prove to be a healing remedy for the future generation.  Never has the subject of ozone been more talked about than in 1993, when the media was intensely preoccupied with the effects of ozone on our planet earth. What is the theme of this form of oxygen with three atoms to the molecule (O3)? The word ozone derivates from greek language ...


Anne Schadde
Nymphenburger Str. 122
80636 München

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